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Abraham Andersen

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I know that many will be skeptical about this article. Like, can you learn? There is talent, inspiration - you will write. But not everything is so simple.

How can you keep within 10,000-15,000 characters when you want to express so much?!

I admit, I have been looking for advice on the net for a long time like: how to write a story, how to write an interesting story, and so on. There were serious and not very serious articles, I made some conclusions for myself, but still a lot remained unclear. By trial and error, using the knowledge gained, I gradually mastered a new genre and now I would like to share my experience. I think this information will be useful for young authors.

First, I realized that you can't wait for inspiration. The tricky thing is inspiration. It's very hard to fit in with him. Almost impossible if you work or study at the same time. You don't have to wait for inspiration. Treat writing a story like a school essay - you want it, you don't want it, but you have to work. Alas, even so, you won’t always be able to write something one thing if you write for yourself - it’s okay, but if the text needs to be handed in right away and you haven’t sat down yet, then I recommend asking for help. Now there are many writing services like where they will help you choose a topic and write a good text. And then you can re-read and understand how to do it.

Secondly, I realized that three things are important for a story: meaning, style, and volume. Simply put, it should be clear, beautiful and concise.
Having learned these two main things, we proceed to the story, observing the seven rules.

First, determine what the story will be about by summarizing the content in one sentence. We need specifics.

The second step is character creation. You carefully consider the image of the main character. What is he? Gender-age, eye-hair-skin color, character, habits, biography, with whom he lives, what he loves, who he looks like, etc.
Then take a sheet of paper and write down everything that you came up with on it. Very detailed and thorough.

Immediately make a reservation that I do not promote brevity. I don't like it when it's short.
But now we are talking about a story in which volume is important. This means that we need to get rid of everything superfluous, so we ruthlessly cut off the ornateness of the text.

Let's think of a plot. The main condition is entertainment and dynamism. Dialogue priority. Try to express the feelings of the characters in THEIR words, not your own.

How to build a plot?
The formula for an ordinary story is simple. Introduction, adventure, ending. The introduction should be interesting, and the ending should be significant. The introduction lures the reader in, and the ending forces him (the reader) to think about the story for some time after reading.

Do not start the introduction "from afar". This is not a story or a novel where you can admire the surroundings for a couple of pages, then mention the glare of the rising sun on the sea, and then devote five more pages to describing an ancient castle, to which a flock of black swans flies across this very sea.

For the dynamics of the story, at least three conflict-adventures would be good.

Having decided on the hero and the plot, we proceed directly to writing. We write as it will turn out, trying, nevertheless, to remember the three pillars of the story - clarity, beauty and brevity.

Story correction. We stock up on a dozen handkerchiefs to wipe involuntary tears, reread the text and delete unnecessary adjectives and possessive pronouns. After editing, the text will be reduced by about two pages.
Then the most unpleasant and difficult begins. It is necessary to cut not just extra words, but extra text. Ideally, no more than 10 pages should remain.

Inexperienced authors often feel that the sixth stage in creating a story is superfluous. And they proudly rush to post a story for reading or send it to a publisher, and then get offended when they are subjected to devastating criticism.
But this is so easy to avoid if you follow a simple rule: before making a story public, let it mature. Two or three days, a week, if you have the patience. And if you last a month, I take off my hat!

Finally, spend another half an hour reading the story and correcting any spelling and punctuation mistakes.


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